Like most, I aim to blog once a week. It's been over a month since my last post. Last spring/summer while I was staying home with our little bambino, I was able to blog even two times a week. All this to say, I've really been slacking in this department; however, it's okay with me because I would much rather enjoy every second with my man and growing boy when I'm not bogged down with paperwork and papers to grade. Now, with my Praxis III behind me, I think I will have more time on my hands for this blog thing.
So, moving on to the little boy, here is what he's been up to and likes to do at a little over 13 months:
*He has four new teeth (plus some, we think) emerging. It's SO much different this time around than the other previous times he broke teeth. I feel like it wasn't a big deal the other times. He is so much more vulnerable now. AND vocal. Possibly because they are his side teeth.
*Walking. No running, yet. He keeps me on my toes!
*His favorite words to say: bird (they have a 'stuffed' parrot in the classroom at school), dog, star, cow, duck, ball (oh my lands, I'll expand on this one below), horse (sounds like whore - nice, right), and of course, hi, bye-bye, ba for 'milk'.
-Instead of "dada" for daddy, now he'll point at Justin and say dad. I'm still "mama," and boy does he overuse that word when he is upset.
*He loves to play with all of his balls. We have a gazillion it seems. With boys it's almost a given. Anyway, he throws with both hands and eats with both hands.
*He mimics the sounds that all the animals make. We will be looking a book and he'll see a dog, and he'll say "dog" and point. Then, I'll say "what does a dog say," and he'll do his imitation of a dog bark. It's so cute and fun! The best is a cow. He really gets into the "MOOOOO!"
*We're working on "please" and "thank you."
*The child LOVES to climb. It stresses me out! He's already had many "boo-boo" accidents. Currently, his obsession is climbing out of the bathtub. Goodness, me.
*He loves to wrestle with Justin.
*Supposedly he is supposed to be feeding himself with a spoon and fork. HA! I haven't been brave enough to try this one. I can only imagine the mess I will have. He makes a huge mess just eating with his fingers. Boys are just messy!
*He still likes to eat, but sometimes he is picky. I guess my being picky for years is backfiring.
*This is such a fun stage because everyday he is learning something new. I will say, it's been difficult making my "no" a "no." There are so many times I just want to start cracking up when he tests me because he gets the cutest little grin on his face. Disciplining is hard, especially at this age.
[I had to throw in these pictures. Even if they are cruddy cell phone pictures.] Have a great week!
{Please excuse the design/font, blogger is messed up.}